Distance Sales Contract
1.1- SELLER:
Title: Breastfeeding Congress
Address: Cumhuriyet Mahallesi Tuna Caddesi No 14/11 Çankaya / Ankara / Turkey
Phone: +90 551 502 11 65
E-mail: info@emzirmekongresi.com.tr
1.2- BUYER:
Name/Surname/Title: {DELIVERER}
The subject of this contract is the sale and delivery of the product, the characteristics and sales price of which are specified below, which the BUYER has ordered electronically from the website of the Breastfeeding Congress belonging to the SELLER, in accordance with Law No. 4077 It is the determination of the rights and obligations of the parties in accordance with the provisions of the Law on the Protection of Consumers and the Regulation on the Principles and Procedures for the Implementation of Distance Contracts.
Date: {DATE}
Product Name Quantity Total Product Amount
Type and type, quantity, brand/model color and sales price of the products are as stated above.
Payment method: {ODEMETYPE}
Delivery address: {TESLIMATADRES}
4.1- The BUYER declares that he/she has read and is informed about the basic characteristics, sales price and payment method of the product subject to the contract on the SELLER's website and the preliminary information regarding the delivery and has given the necessary confirmation electronically.
4.2- The product subject to the contract shall be delivered to the BUYER or the person/organization at the address indicated by the BUYER within the period specified in the preliminary information on the website, depending on the distance of the BUYER's place of residence, provided that it does not exceed the legal 3-day period for each product.
4.3- If the product subject to the contract is to be delivered to a person/organization other than the BUYER, the SELLER cannot be held responsible if the person/organization to whom the delivery will be made does not accept the delivery.
4.4- The SELLER is responsible for the delivery of the product subject to the contract in a sound, complete manner, in accordance with the qualifications specified in the order and with the warranty documents and user manuals, if any.
4.5- For the delivery of the product subject to the contract, it is required that the signed copy of this contract be delivered to the SELLER and the price be paid with the payment method preferred by the BUYER. If the product price is not paid or is canceled in the bank records for any reason, the SELLER is deemed to have been released from the obligation to deliver the product.
4.6- If the relevant bank or financial institution does not pay the product price to the SELLER due to the unfair or illegal use of the BUYER's credit card by unauthorized persons not caused by the BUYER's fault after the delivery of the product, the product must be sent to the SELLER within 3 days, provided that it has been delivered to the BUYER. In this case, the shipping costs belong to the BUYER.
4.7- If the SELLER cannot deliver the product subject to the contract within the due date due to force majeure or extraordinary circumstances such as adverse weather conditions or interruption of transportation, it is obliged to notify the BUYER. In this case, the BUYER may exercise one of the following rights: cancellation of the order, replacement of the product subject to the contract with a similar one, if any, and/or postponement of the delivery period until the impeding situation is eliminated. If the BUYER cancels the order, the amount paid by the BUYER shall be paid to the BUYER in cash and in a lump sum within 10 days.
4.8- Products that are defective or broken, whether they are sold with a warranty certificate or not, can be sent to the SELLER for the necessary repairs under warranty conditions, in which case the cargo costs will be covered by the BUYER.
4.9- In cases where the BUYER does not receive the cargo sent and the cargo is returned, etc., the cargo fees will be collected from the BUYER.
4.10- In cases of order error and product change, the cargo fees will be covered by the BUYER.
The BUYER has the right of withdrawal within 7 days from the delivery of the product subject to the contract to him/her or to the person/institution at the address he/she indicated. In order to use the right of withdrawal, it is required that the SELLER be notified by fax, email or telephone within this period and that the product has not been used within the framework of the provisions of Article 6. In case this right is used, it is mandatory to return the cargo delivery report copy stating that the product delivered to the 3rd party or the BUYER was sent to the SELLER and the original invoice. The product price will be refunded to the BUYER within 7 days following the receipt of these documents. If the original invoice is not sent, VAT and other legal obligations, if any, cannot be refunded. The shipping cost of the product returned due to the right of withdrawal will be covered by the BUYER.
The right of withdrawal cannot be used for products that cannot be returned due to their nature, single-use products, copyable software and programs, products that deteriorate quickly or whose expiration date has passed. The use of the right of withdrawal in the following products is subject to the condition that the packaging of the product is unopened, intact and the product has not been used.
- Congress Registration
- Congress Accommodation
- Congress Courses
In the implementation of this contract, the Consumer Arbitration Court shall be authorized up to the value declared by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
The Consumer Courts in the place of residence of the BUYER or SELLER are authorized with their committees.
In case the order is placed, the BUYER is deemed to have accepted all the terms of this contract.
Breastfeeding Congress