
Submission of Abstracts

Abstracts must be submitted exclusively through the online system and are available on the congress website at Submissions sent via email or postal services will not be accepted under any circumstances. The online abstract submission system is accessible through the Congress website.

All submitted abstracts must be original and should not have been published or presented elsewhere. Abstracts accepted for presentation at the congress must contribute to scientific advancement and convey a clear, conclusive message. Submissions will undergo evaluation by the scientific committee based on the following criteria:

Relevance of Topic and Content: The problem's originality and significance, as well as its relevance to the congress theme and topics.

Contribution to Education: Scientific or educational value. Theoretical or practical framework and its contribution to the field.

Analysis and Interpretation: Coherence between results and findings. Applicability of conclusions to practical settings, policy development, or innovation. Generalizability and usefulness of findings in the relevant field.

Potential for Interaction: Engaging the audience and fostering diverse perspectives through discussion.

Ethical Standards: Compliance with ethical research principles. Declaration of ethics committee approval for studies involving human or animal subjects. Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest.

Since the papers will be included in the Abstract Book in the same way as the last version edited by the author, attention should be paid to spelling errors. Authors bear full responsibility for any errors in the submitted text. The presenting author must be registered for the congress, and each author is permitted to submit up to two abstracts under one registration.

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: April 01, 2025
  • Abstract Results Announcement Date: May 01, 2025

Abstract Submission Guidelines

  • Abstracts must be submitted through the online system provided.
  • Abstracts may be written in English or Turkish.
  • Academic titles should not be included in the authors' names. Names must follow standard capitalization rules (e.g., Ekin Demir).
  • Authors must include the full name and address of their affiliated institution (e.g., Xxxx University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Ankara).
  • Only the first letter of the abstract title should be capitalized (e.g., Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxx).
  • Abbreviations must be spelled out in full when first mentioned in the text.
  • The abstract must include the following structured headings: Purpose, Methods, Findings, and Conclusion.
  • The abstract should:
    • Briefly state the purpose and methodology.
    • Summarize findings with sufficient numerical details.
    • Provide a conclusion based on the findings.
  • References are not permitted within the abstract.
  • The abstract should not exceed 300 words, excluding the title, author names, and institutional information.
  • Keywords: Provide a minimum of three and a maximum of five.
  • Formatting:
    • Use Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1.5 line spacing.
    • Justify all text; no paragraph indentation.
    • Leave no spaces between paragraphs.

Submissions that fail to adhere to these guidelines will be excluded from evaluation, regardless of their content quality.

Evaluation of Abstracts

The evaluation process for abstracts will be conducted online by the Congress Scientific Committee members under strict confidentiality. The names, surnames, and institutional affiliations of the researchers will not be disclosed. Each abstract will be reviewed by at least two members of the scientific committee to assess its scientific merit and relevance, employing the double-blind peer-review principle. Referees will not communicate directly with the authors; feedback and evaluations will be conveyed through the abstract management system.


At least one of the researchers must be registered for the congress for the abstract to be considered for evaluation. Abstracts submitted without participant registration will not be included in the congress proceedings. Abstracts may be accepted as either oral or poster presentations. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to decide the presentation format. Authors of abstracts that are deemed unsuitable for the congress theme will be notified. All authors will receive acceptance or rejection letters along with the final decision regarding the presentation format (oral or poster).


Accepted abstracts will be published in the Congress proceedings book as abstracts or full texts. The proceedings book will be made available as a PDF with an e-ISBN on the congress website following the event. Full texts of selected papers, approved by the Scientific Committee and the authors, will also be published.


Paper Awards:

• The paper that receives the highest score from the oral papers presented at the symposium and is selected by the referee committee will be awarded first, second, and third prizes.


Oral Paper Presentation Criteria

• Papers accepted as oral papers can be prepared with any of the electronic presentation programs.

• The duration of the oral paper presentation is 7 minutes including discussion (5 minutes presentation, 2 minutes discussion).

• For oral papers to be presented, the person specified as the presenting author must have completed the congress registration. Papers cannot be presented on behalf of someone else. The person who will present at the congress must be the author or co-author.

• An author can present a maximum of 2 oral papers.

• Papers not presented at the congress will not be published in the abstract book.

• Detailed information about the session in which your paper will be presented will be announced on the web page, including the presentation day, time, and session details.

• Accepted and presenting author registration procedures must be completed for oral presentations, prepared specifically for the session and the time allocated for them, and delivered to the presentation control room at the congress center before the presentation.


Poster Preparation Rules

  • Poster presentations will be presented at the congress with printed posters and e-posters.
  • Posters to be prepared must be prepared in Turkish on a single page.
  • Poster preparation requirements will be communicated to the participants in the acceptance letters.

Submission of Full Texts

  • Accepted oral presentations may be published as full texts in the online presentation booklet upon the request of the authors.
  • Full texts will be collected through the online presentation system.
  • Full texts must be uploaded by 24:00 on 01.06.2025 at the latest.
  • There will be no extensions on the date.
  • English abstracts are mandatory. Full texts can be in Turkish or English.
  • Papers sent by e-mail will not be taken into consideration.
  • Full texts sent over the internet will also be included in the Full Text Book, so attention should be paid to spelling errors. Authors are responsible for all publication ethics violations and spelling errors.

Full-Text Writing Rules

  • The abstract in full text should not exceed 250 words. The full text will be at least 1000 words and at most 1800 words, with a total of 3 tables/figures.
  • Authors should be written without titles, in bold and the name of the presenting author should be underlined. Author institutions should be written as an explanation after the author's name in the superscript (1,2,3 etc.) given after the author's surname.
  • The following order should be followed in the structuring of full-text papers: Turkish title, abstract, keywords, English title, abstract, keywords, 1. Introduction, 2. Materials and Methods, 3. Findings, 4. Discussion 5. Conclusion and Recommendations, 6. References.
  • The general similarity rate of the full-text paper should be 20% and below. A similarity report will also be uploaded when the full-text paper is uploaded. Texts with a general similarity rate over 20% will not be accepted.
  • The paper should be written on A4 paper in Microsoft Word Program. Page dimensions should be arranged as follows:

Paper Size

Width 16 cm Height 24 cm

Top Margin

2.5 cm

Bottom Margin

2.5 cm

Left Margin

2.5 cm

Right Margin

2.5 cm



Font Style


Main Text Size


Line Spacing

Single (1)



  • Do not include details such as page numbers, headers, or footers in the text.
  • Use all capital letters and bold for first-degree section headings. For second-degree and other sub-section headings, capitalize and bold the first letter of each word.
  • Number tables and figures consecutively within the text.
  • Follow APA 6th edition guidelines for citations.
  • List all sources used in alphabetical order by the author's surname at the end of the document.
  • For technical support or inquiries during submission, please